Sunday, 17 February 2013

best vegan mac'n'cheese I've tried yet

Because I know so much about cooking, and because the world needs another vegan recipe blog (yes, I'm being sarcastic) I've decided to start posting recommendations - cataloguing the best vegan recipes on the net that are sent my way or grab my attention. It's mostly to keep a record for myself, but if anyone else gets any good out of these suggestions, all the better.

Our most recent stunning success is called "Baked Mac Oh Geez." I found the recipe at a site called Chocolate-Covered Katie, but Katie reprinted the recipe from a cookbook called Let Them Eat Vegan. I'm not sure if it was the pictures that sold me, Chocolate-Covered Katie's endorsement (backed up by her claims to be a mac-n'cheese devotee), or simply the fact that it looked reasonably simple to make...

We used Panko bread crumbs because that's what I had on hand. And I think we cooked a bit too much pasta for the amount of sauce we had (more than the recipe recommended). Otherwise we followed the instructions as closely as possible, and the result was so delicious! Tastiest vegan mac'n'cheese I've ever tried, and I've had many.

Mac'n'cheese cooking soundtrack: the lazy Friday mix (L's iPod on shuffle) 

Background note: Three years ago I would never have been able to recommend a recipe I tried making myself. This often surprised people - 'you're vegan but you can't cook!? what do you eat...?' Well, I was simply lucky enough to be around people who cooked delicious food to eat with me, and I was happy to have it that way. I still rarely cook on my own (I live off leftovers, sandwiches, salads, and soup out of a can). But I'm also quite happy to be able to participate in the making of yummy meals, and even happier when I find a recipe, like the one above, that I want to make again and again (and again...).

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