Thursday, 21 February 2013

Coldest Night - raising funds for the hungry, homeless and hurting (Feb 23)

I'm doing a charity walk this Saturday.

Most of the fundraising I've been involved in, at least since I was a kid, has been for organizations I was already a part of - such as the campus/community station where Kill Eat Exploit the Weak aired for so many years. I've also donated my time and, where I can spare it, my own funds to help friends and friendly organizations support important causes. But walking to raise money for charity? I can't remember doing this ever, despite how common the practice may be.

I can claim no credit for personal initiative or selflessness for this current turn in events, my introduction to the charity walk world. It's friends who organized and, however indirectly, encouraged me to join in, that get all the credit. And the friends and family who generously pledged some of their own funds to help me make a contribution to the cause.

The cause... In general the idea is to raise money for "charities that serve the hungry, homeless and hurting in cities and communities across Canada" ( Because I'm part of Team Taylor the Turtle, walking in Brantford, we're raising funds and awareness specifically for Why Not City Missions/Youth Centres - helping at-risk youth - and Brantford Out of the Cold (OOTC) - an emergency shelter program.

Our team has met its collective fundraising goal, but the Brantford walk still has a long way to go to meet the local target. If you can help, drop by our team page or the pages of any individual team member. Your contribution would be greatly appreciated!

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