Thursday, 22 January 2015

KEEW playlist - January 21/22, 2015

A few gig reminders and previews and a heck of a lotta new heavy music from the opening weeks of 2015.

January 21/22

Halcyon DaysNew Oceansthe Mariner
Depths of HatredHellbornNefarious Divinity
ObliterateObliterate (EP)Relentless
EinherjerAv Oss, For OssHammer I Kors
Desolate ShrineThe Heart of the NetherworldBlack Fires of God
Hooded MenaceGloom ImmemorialMonuments of Misery
CainaSetter of Unseen SnaresI Am The Flail of the Lord
AnvilHope In HellBadass Rock n Roll
Project 86Knives To The FutureAcolyte March
Karma To BurnArch StantonFifty Three
GhoulgothaThe Deathmass CloakA Neck for the Nameless Noose
Satan's HostPre-Dating GodEmbers of Will
The CrownDeath Is Not DeadEternal
SeerVol. 1Hive Mind
Pain of SalvationFalling HomeLinoleum
Sans SoleilA Holy Land Beneath a Godless SkyAn Umbral Plain
Serious BlackAs Daylight BreaksHigh and Low
SylosisDormant HeartVictims and Pawns
VardanVerses From Ancient TimesIII

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