Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Popular Culture Association of Canada Conference 2013 (third time's the charm!) - deadline extension to Jan 11, 2013

The call for papers and visual/multimedia presentations for the third annual Popular Culture Association of Canada conference has been out for a while now. But there's still time to send in a proposal before the EXTENDED JANUARY 11 DEADLINE.

Once again, the conference is taking place in Niagara Falls, Canada, in view of the Falls themselves and right around the corner from the amusements of Clifton Hill.

I highly recommend the conference for its high grade of intellectual stimulation and fun - sometimes all at once!

Here's part of the relevant PCAC blurb and pitch:
We invite proposals for papers and/or panels on theories of popular culture, research methods in popular culture, the teaching of popular culture, forms and genres of popular culture, and any epiphenomena of popular culture, past or present. We also welcome presentation and exhibition proposals from visual and multi-media artists whose work engages with popular culture.

Our broad definition of popular culture encompasses communicative texts, practices and experiences, mediated and unmediated, contemporary and historical, Canadian and non-Canadian (including the local and the global).

We share an interdisciplinary vision of this Association. We are interested in featuring papers from scholars and/or producers and practitioners of popular cultural phenomena from a wide variety of disciplines and cross-disciplinary perspectives in the humanities, social sciences and sciences.
If you're interested in submitting a proposal and/or attending, submission and conference details are all posted to the PCAC website.

See you there, I hope!

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