Sunday, 10 June 2012

drawing a breath as the summer smog settles in (aka, time for an update)

While my mind suffuses with thesis-related esoterica I've clearly been neglecting my other expressive outlets. But not quite all my time hasn't been spent brain-deep in crafting the unwieldy thesis monster. Here's some of the fun I've been getting up to (and plan to soon).

PCAC 2012 - the second Popular Culture Association of Canada conference - was delightful and intellectually stimulating as predicted. I was, unsurprisingly, particularly absorbed in the papers dealing with science fiction and fantasy texts in various media, and with Liisa Ladouceur's "What is Goth?" talk. Plus there was glow-in-the-dark mini golf. I'm looking forward to next year's conference already.

With 2012's Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences taking place just down the road in Waterloo, May ended up being conference month for me. I only saw a small fraction of what the multi-organization conference had to offer but I caught some excellent presentations and enjoyed geeking out on intersections between communications, science and technology studies, and posthumanism. My own contribution (a paper on True Blood, to follow-up my PCAC paper on Fringe) was part of the Canadian Communication Association meeting.

Now if only I could make it to the Science Fiction Research Association conference in Detroit at the end of June...

At the metal end of things, Heavy Metal Adam and I have been have been co-hosting Hellbound Summer Metal Meltdown on CFMU 93.3 FM - Saturday nights, from 10:30 pm to midnight. Fellow Hellbounder Albert Mansour frequently joins us on-air, and in May we had the help of Jonathan Millard-Smith as well. Tune in next weekend if you're looking for a Saturday night soundtrack.

On deck: Henry Rollins spoken word tour, Invasion Infernale Fest in Hamilton, and wishing I could somehow swing a Witch Mountain / Blood Ceremony show too.

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